Monday, January 25, 2016

Deenie, by Judy Blume

The cover of Deenie, featuring Deenie herself. Didn't see that one coming.
My friend (and my trainer at Flight of the Hippogriff, then ALMOST trainer at Revenge of the Mummy) Shannon saw that I was doing this project and let me borrow three of her books which, including this review, will be the next three I post probably so that I can get them back to her in a quick and not prolonged amount of time - I just finished the second one before posting this review so it will be really soon where I finish the third. Hopefully! Anyway, this book is Deenie by Judy Blume. If you know anything about me, I tend to write more young adult fiction than anything else, so I read a lot of it. But I never really read that much by Judy Blume, so I was glad this one was on the list, and even moreso that Shannon let me borrow it!! So here we go.

(font goals)
Deenie is about the self-titled character who is trying to go through high school in peace without her mom meddling into any of her business (aren't we all). She's beautiful, and it's a really big deal to her mother that she's beautiful and that her sister, Helen, is really smart. So she pushes Deenie to go to all these modeling agencies to try and book jobs because if she starts when she's out of high school, she's already too late, apparently. So she hides the fact that she's trying out for the cheerleading squad with her friend, but can't hide it much longer because one of the school supervisors notices her posture, and requests that Deenie is sent to her doctor to get her spine checked out. Everyone then learns that she has scoliosis (the specific type happens more when you're younger) and has to wear a brace for the next four years, which upsets her mother because now she can't be a model as soon as she is supposed to be. Deenie freaks out because her mom freaks out, and is super embarrassed about her neck/back brace. But after befriending one of her classmates with eczema, she branches out and, well, embraces her situation (I hate me too). Major props, however, to the dad in the novel, who is super supportive of her not being a model and doing whatever the hell she wants. Good job, dad. Besides firing Helen's one true love and whatever.

Back cover with the specific type of scoliosis mentioned.
I appreciated reading this because it was another book to add to my list of Judy Blume reads, and I've also never read about a character with scoliosis. Overall, if you're looking for a Super Light Read as an adult, or something to hand over to your kids, I'd highly recommend it. I need to read more classic Judy Blume!! AND THANKS AGAIN SHANNON FOR LETTING ME BORROW THIS! :)

Book number: 3
Books left: 336
Amount of time taken to read: 8 days (I was really busy)
Books by Judy Blume for NitM: 1


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