Wednesday, December 23, 2015

An Introduction

Hey everyone! My name is Sara. I graduated from Flagler College in 2013 with an English degree and a creative writing minor. Sometime around a year ago I started watching Gilmore Girls and remember feeling unbearably sad that I didn't watch this show while it was on/before I went to college, because I could have used Rory as a sounding board for all my problems. Instead I could probably turn to her if I ever go to get my master's degree.

Anyway, a few months ago I remember seeing this list on Buzzfeed of all the books referenced on the show, and I thought, hmm, I wonder how many of those I've read. Spoiler alert: not that many. Which is completely upsetting, as a fellow lover of books! So I figured...hey, I'm a millennial with a blog and like, zero money. Why not do this in my spare time?

What is "this," exactly? all of the books listed from the series.

Now I know for all of you Julie & Julia fans out there, you're wondering if I have a timeline. No. I do not have a timeline because I have no idea how long this should or would take a person who tries to accomplish it. And I figure people have actually done it, and bravo to them. But now I would like to! If that's cool with everyone here.

My next post (hopefully it shows up before this one though) will be a master list of all the books/plays/novels/poems/essays/whatever mentioned in the show, and then there will be a code for all of them as well if you're reading it.

So if you're reading this, thank you for showing some interest! And hopefully you'll stick around.


P.S. - The name is taken from a line of a conversation between Rory and Jess:
Jess: I just wanted to put some notes in the margins for you.
Rory: What? You've read this before.
Jess: About 40 times.
Rory: I thought you said you didn't read much.

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