Monday, September 5, 2016

The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger

I LOVE this cover. Minus the major motion picture part.
I can't remember what possessed me to buy this book when I did, but I've held onto it for a very long time. I never saw The Pursuit of Happyness because I knew it would make me sad, and I think subconsciously I did the same thing here (that and the size - it's over 500 pages, which I wouldn't have guessed without looking at the page number). The Time Traveler's Wife is one of the saddest books I've ever read, and I almost ignored a FaceTime call from my sister when I hit a part close to the end of the novel because I was so upset and I just wanted to finish it. I don't want to do spoilers here, because I didn't know anything about it and I loved every aspect of it, but I also haven't seen the movie and I heard the ending is different there. I don't know what's real.

I also really like what the cover is made out of.
This book is about Henry and Clare, Henry being the time traveler and Clare being the non. In parts of the book it became a little too Lolita for me, which was made better/worse by the fact that Henry calls himself Humbert Humbert, but it's to be expected. Essentially: Henry is a time traveler who doesn't control where he ends up, but spends the majority of his time traveling back/forward to something involving Clare. Their relationship is so unique and unlike anything the average person has experienced, so the novel is very captivating in that regard. There's emotion surrounding every storyline and character, one of the worst probably being Henry's father for me, and Audrey Niffenegger takes you through it all. Dammit.

I am in love with this goddamned book.
I already want to read this book again and I think I'm seeing the movie tomorrow night with my mom, so I am ready to bawl my freakin' eyes out. (But I don't picture Clare as Rachel McAdams at all. AT ALL.)

Book number: 11
Books left: 328
Amount of time taken to read: 25 days
Books by Audrey Niffenegger for NiTM: 1

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