Monday, September 5, 2016

The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger

I LOVE this cover. Minus the major motion picture part.
I can't remember what possessed me to buy this book when I did, but I've held onto it for a very long time. I never saw The Pursuit of Happyness because I knew it would make me sad, and I think subconsciously I did the same thing here (that and the size - it's over 500 pages, which I wouldn't have guessed without looking at the page number). The Time Traveler's Wife is one of the saddest books I've ever read, and I almost ignored a FaceTime call from my sister when I hit a part close to the end of the novel because I was so upset and I just wanted to finish it. I don't want to do spoilers here, because I didn't know anything about it and I loved every aspect of it, but I also haven't seen the movie and I heard the ending is different there. I don't know what's real.

The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath

Beautiful cover. Also this font is regal AF.
I'd tried to read Sylvia Plath before. I don't remember when, or why. All I know is that I didn't make it to the part where she was dying in the hotel (basically), so I didn't make it very far. I don't think I could get into it for some reason, and I remember turning it back into the used bookstore where I'd purchased it originally. Joke's on me: I repurchased it at the same place. (Different copy though. This is a nicer one.) Either way, I really enjoyed my go-round with The Bell Jar this time around, thank GOD. And I also tried to mention Sylvia Plath to a few people I know and they had never heard of her. It made me think about making them watch Gilmore Girls because I know they reference her suicide AT LEAST twice on the show, so.